Rethinking Culturally Relevant Architecture Education | in: New Directions in Architecture Education | Berlin | Germany | 2015 | ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory & IAES
What is good Architecture? | in: ARCHINESIA Volume 5 | Jakarta | Indonesia | 2014 | IAAW
Energetischer Städtebau | Stuttgart | 2012 | Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Working and Living in the City of Knowledge | Rotterdam | The Netherlands | 2010 | The Berlage Institute
Urban Reports: Urban strategies and visions in mid-sized cities in a local and global context | Zürich | Switzerland | 2009 | gta Verlag
Embracing Difference: from Urban Scenarios to Critical Brief | in: Hunch No.: 13 Consensus | Rotterdam | The Netherlands | 2009 | NAI Publishers
MOCAPE Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition | in: future 12 | Madrid | Spain | 06/2008 | Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition Shenzhen China
MOCAPE Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition | in: PASAJES arquitectura y critica No95 | Madrid | Spain | 03/08 | Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition Shenzhen China
Cosmopolitan Voids - Interview with Dietmar Leyk | in: The Berlage Papers no. 28 | Rotterdam | The Netherlands | 2008 | Cosmopolitan Voids - Urban Strategies for the European City
Current Affairs Fashion Store | in: 1000 Interiors | Shenyang | China | 05/2008 | Current Affairs Fashion Store
Apartment L | in: Atrium 01/02 08 | Zürich | Switzerland | 01/2008 | Apartment L
Architectural Highlights in Europe | in: Euromaxx Ambiente - TV Magazine | Deutsche Welle - World TV | 01/2007 | Apartment L
Apartment L | in: Architektur Berlin 06 - Jahrbuch Architektur | Berlin | Germany | 2006 | Apartment L
Neustart | in: AIT 7/8 06 | Leinfelden | Germany | 07/2006 | Apartment L
Inner City Scores - Los Angeles | in: CITY | TU Berlin | Berlin | Germany | 2005 | Five Strategies for South Central Los Angeles
Current Affairs Hamburg | in: Bauwelt 1-2 05 | Berlin | Germany | 01/2005 | Current Affairs Fashion Store
Fashion Store Multiuso | in: Ottagono | Bologna | Italy | 06/2005 | Current Affairs Fashion Store
Current Affairs | in: HAMBURG architecture & design | Düsseldorf | Germany | 2005 | Current Affairs Fashion Store
Visionärer Wurf fuer Urbanes Zentrum | in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ | 04/10/2002 | Masterplan Schlieren-Zürich Zentrum